Vacuum Release Valve with Restrictor SJ3A6 Products dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorized dealers in India and UAE.
Maha Automations is distributor of Vacuum Release Valve with Restrictor SJ3A6.
2 built-in spool valves
Vacuum adsorption and release can be controlled with a single valve.
Width 10 mm (Same size as the SJ3000 series) With a restrictor that can adjust the flow rate of the release air
Built-in replaceable filter on both vacuum and release sides
Can be combined with the 4-port solenoid valve SJ2000/3000. (Made to Order)
Manifold type no.: SS3J3
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Vacuum Release Valve with Restrictor SJ3A6.
For the Purchase of Vacuum Release Valve with Restrictor SJ3A6 kindly contact Maha Automations.

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