Slag Probes manufacturer, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorize dealers in India. Maha Automations is distributor of Slag Probes
Measuring the oxidation potential of metallurgical slags
Celox SLAC controls ferrous furnace and ladle slag in terms of its FeO or FeO-MnO contents. The cell is built like the Celox sensor, but exposes an open zirconia thimble to pick-up slag during immersion. Celox SLAC goes together with standard Celox hardware and instrumentation. The sensor does not comprise a thermocouple, as not needed in slag chemistry. On choice, hand and automatic measuring lances may be operated wireless, without measuring cable.
Sensors: Celox SLAC®, QuiK-Slag
Instrument: iM² Sensor Lab®
Slag sampling in BOF and steel pouring ladle
QUSAS is applied and immersed as a regular sampler. When QUSAS passes through the slag surface into steel, slag is collected in its chamber and compressed to a lollipop shape protected by an outer steel ring. The sampler can easily be removed when breaking the sand body after immersion, and is ready for transport and for instant XRF analysis.
Sensor: QUSAS®
Slag thickness and freeboard measurement
The system is composed of an electronic chip embedded in the sensing head of the special Delta Dist L probe. Using an automatic measuring lance with travel control, slag thickness and ladle freeboard may be measured.
Sensor: Delta Dist® L
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Slag Probes in Mangalore, India.
For the Purchase of Slag Probes kindly contact Maha Automations -

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