Screw Plug Heater manufacturer, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorize dealers in India. Maha Automations is distributor of Screw Plug Heater
Screw Plug Immersion Heaters consist of hairpin tubular elements welded or brazed into a screw plug and provided with terminal enclosures for electrical connections. They can be screwed through a threaded opening into a tank wall or vessel. Welding or brazing depends upon the element sheath and plug material compatibility. Depending upon the customer requirement, thermo wells, thermostats or control panels can be used with these heaters to meet the objective of precise temperature control.
Used as a direct heating element, they are ideal for heating gases and liquids in tanks or vessels, process water heating, oils and heat transfer process, heating up flammable liquids or gases which require explosion proof housing. Screw plug heaters are widely used for various purposes in many industries including the food and beverage industry. In addition to the general use of boiling water and freeze protection, it is extremely useful for the purpose of steam generation. They are largely energy efficient and easy to regulate. The installation is a snap and the maintenance is very easy as well.
The different sheath materials used in these heaters have different watt densities and operating temperatures. While choosing the sheath material following points should be looked at
Stainless Steel: Maximum operating temperature is 1200 °F while the maximum watt density is 120 W/in2
Steel: Maximum operating temperature is 750 °F while the maximum watt density is 120 W/in2
INCOLOY: Maximum operating temperature is 1600 °F while the maximum watt density is 120 W/in2
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Screw Plug Heater in Mangalore, India.
For the Purchase of Screw Plug Heater kindly contact Maha Automations -
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