Full Port Stainless Steel Ball Valves manufacturer, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorize dealers in India. Maha Automations is distributor of Full Port Stainless Steel Ball Valves
Economical 2-piece steel ball valves offer a highly corrosion resistant means of controlling on-off flow in a pipe line. Rotating the ball 90° with the lockable hand lever opens or closes the flow passage. Advantages of ball valves over other type valves may include: higher flows with less pressure drop, higher pressures, higher temperatures, straight through flow path and wider media compatibility.
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Full Port Stainless Steel Ball Valves in Mangalore, India.
For the Purchase of Full Port Stainless Steel Ball Valves kindly contact Maha Automations - info@mahaautomation.com
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