Bourdon MEX2 - MEX3 - MEM2 - MEM3 - Industrial Pressure Gauge manufacturer, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorize dealers in India.
Maha Automations is distributor of Bourdon MEX2 - MEX3 - MEM2 - MEM3 - Industrial Pressure Gauge.
The Bourdon MEX2-MEX3-MEM2-MEM3 Pressure Gauges are intended for process industries such as chemical, petrochemical, energy or gas industries and have been designed to satisfy requirements to operate in aggressive environments. All of the external components, together with the measurement element and connection are made of stainless steel.
Some Benefits Include :
Measurement range : MEX : from - 1...0 to 0...1000 bar. MEM : from -1...0.6 to 0...400 bar.
Gauge working temperature : -20...70°C
Accuracy : Class 1.6 IP rating IP 65 (EN 60529)
Bezel ring : 1 Stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L) Crimped on the case (MEX2) Bayonet lock type (MEX3) except type G crimped on case
Movement : Stainless steel
Window : Glass (S1 - EN 837-1 only window polycarbonate and Triplex)
Dial : Aluminium alloy, rubber zero stop. Black figures on white background
Options include:
ATEX II2GDc-IM2c (Including window laminated safety glass)
Adjustable friction pointer (1)
Window laminated safety glass
Window polycarbonate
Restrictor screw Ø 0.3
Accuracy class 1 (1.6 bar < P < 1000 bar)
Product Details :
Model Number : MEX2 MEM2
For corrosive gasses and liquids
Class 1.6 according to EN 837-1
Wetted parts Stainless steel (MEX) or Monel (MEM)
Lloyd's Register approval
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Bourdon MEX2 - MEX3 - MEM2 - MEM3 - Industrial Pressure Gauge in Mangalore, India.
For the Purchase of Bourdon MEX2 - MEX3 - MEM2 - MEM3 - Industrial Pressure Gauge kindly contact Maha Automations -
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