Bimetal Thermometer manufacturer, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors authorize dealers in India.
Maha Automations is distributor of Bimetal Thermometer
Special Features
Application ranges from -70 …+600 °C
6 different connection designs selectable
Case and stem material stainless steel
Chemical, Petrochemical Industry
Power Engineering
Machine Building and General Plant Construction
Food Industry
Product Details :
This series of thermometers is designed for installation in pipes, tanks, plants and machinery.
Stem and case are made of stainless steel. To allow fitting to the process, different insertion lengths and process connections are available.
Through the high ingress protection of the thermometer (IP 65) and its liquid damping, operation under high vibration conditions is possible.
Maha Automations is a well-known manufacturer supplier exporter of Bimetal Thermometer in Mangalore, India.
For the Purchase of Bimetal Thermometer kindly contact Maha Automations -
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